Hi, I'm Aubri - the chemist and sustainability nerd behind Rebrand Skincare.
We're on a mission to inspire small sustainable actions, and change the beauty industry while we're at it.
It’s 2017 and I’ve just graduated from UC Berkeley with a degree in chemistry. I’m working as a chemist for a beauty brand in LA. It’s the age of the Mason jar trash can (iykyk) and stainless steel straws, and I’m pretty much all in. I’ve got a compost bin on the counter, I use recycled toilet paper, and I’ve stopped buying meat.
The thing I still can’t figure out?? My beauty routine. I can’t give up my moisturizers and serums for zero-waste options that don’t perform. So I buy skincare in plastic packaging and look the other way.
Here we are 6 years later. My perspective on sustainability has come a long way since then. But my belief that you can have high-performing products without single-use plastic packaging hasn’t budged. Our refill system has evolved to include both in-person and at-home refill options, and we’re growing this thing slowly and steadily (read: sustainably).
Thanks for being here :)
What's sustainable skincare, anyway?
We get it, you're wary of greenwashing - as you should be. We're not perfect, but we hold ourselves to these standards, which we like to call our 3 R's.
Renewable Ingredients
Our ingredients come from renewable resources processed using green chemistry - and our founder is a chemist.
~ Vegan + cruelty-free
~ Biodegradable
~ Vetted for human and environmental health
Refillable Packaging
We go beyond recyclability and design all products for refillability.
~ Glass containers are recyclable and refillable
~ 2X Refills come in aluminum, the most highly recycled material in the US
~ Bulk Refills can be accessed at your local refill shop
Responsible Business
The root cause of the beauty industry’s environmental footprint is overconsumption. It’s time to slow down.
~ Marketing that doesn’t encourage impulse buying or make you feel bad about yourself
~ Fewer products that work for more people
~ Giving back to our Bay Area community
2023 Sustainability Report
Want more info? You must be a sustainability nerd, like us! We worked really hard on our Sustainability Report and would love for you to read it and ask us all your questions!